2023 Location – Iowa Falls, Iowa

Summer 2023!

Iowa Falls, IA – June 25 – July 1

TeenServe is coming to Iowa Falls!

After bringing their youth group to TeenServe workcamps all across the Midwest for many years, this year’s Co-Sponsor team will be joining over 300+ teens and youth leaders to bless their own community! 

Located on the beautiful Iowa River, Iowa Falls is a city in Hardin County, Iowa, United States and has a population of 5,106 people.  The town was platted in 1856. The Iowa River, the cliffs and the parks along the river have given Iowa Falls the well-deserved nickname, “The Scenic City.”

Serve with us in Iowa Falls in 2023!


 “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10