Are you the one who the Lord will call to help a resident like these next summer?
Every year we get about twice as many requests for help than we can respond to in each community that we serve. For every six people that attend, one more home can be “invaded” by the love of Jesus! Is the Lord calling you to make a difference in the Fairmount, Illinois area next summer? Below are some of the residents that we helped a few years ago.
Kevin’s father, in his early 80’s, was described as “quite a character” with a very loveable border collie who greeted all crew members with a “lick” when they came to paint his home!
81 year old Verlie, loved the new coat of paint on her house…and she was ecstatic when her windows also got washed!
William and Della, adopted their 6 year old grandson with Downs Syndrome, who just completed a round of chemo for leukemia before the crew arrived to help them.
Shari, a single mom with 3 kids, loved having a crew at her home! And her 13 year old served as a workcamper!
Donna and her husband Mark, who is confined to a wheelchair due to a truck accident 5 years ago were very excited to get some help with much needed painting and repairs.
Arthur “The Storyteller” had a wheelchair ramp that was so steep that it was dangerous. Because of people who were willing to serve, he now has a new, safe ramp!
Debbie has her sister’s granddaughter with Cerebral Palsy and a brain tumor living with her. Our workcampers were a light to these ladies as they put a fresh coat of paint on their home.